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CDP LI12-12 Lithium Battery 12Vdc-12Ah
61.22 61.22 USD
CDP LI12-8 Lithium Battery 12Vdc-8Ah
55.10 55.1 USD
CDP LI12-90AHLR lithium-ion Battery 12VDC 90Ah 2800 cycles, with integrated BMS to ensure its efficiency and overload protection. Up to 6 pcs in parallel
387.76 387.76 USD
CDP LI24-90AHLR lithium-ion Battery 24VDC 90Ah 2800 cycles, with integrated BMS to ensure its efficiency and overload protection. Up to 6 pcs in parallel
729.59 729.59 USD
CDP Li-504 500VA/250W UPS 4 Outlets, 1 USB C charger port Compact lithium based UPS 120 Vac
42.97 42.97 USD
CDP LI12-200AHFTPS lithium-ion Battery 12VDC 200Ah 2800 cycles, with integrated BMS to ensure its efficiency and overload protection. Up to 6 serial pcs and 6 parallel pcs
1,796.84 1796.8400000000001 USD
CDP LI12-100AHFTPS lithium-ion Battery 12VDC 100Ah 2800 cycles, with integrated BMS to ensure its efficiency and overload protection. Up to 6 serial pcs and 6 parallel pcs
635.11 635.11 USD
Odoo - Prueba 1 a tres columnas

Cuenta Bancaria

BAC Credomatic

Cuenta corriente colones: 930991773

IBAN Colones: CR22010200009309917730

Cuenta corriente dólares: 930991765

IBAN Dólares: CR26010200009309917658

Odoo - Prueba 2 a tres columnas


Centro de Servicio CDP Costa Rica, S.A.

Cédula Jurídica: 3-101-681288

Odoo - Prueba 3 a tres columnas

Cuenta Bancaria

BAC Credomatic

Cuenta corriente colones: 930991773

IBAN Colones: CR22010200009309917730

Cuenta corriente dólares: 930991765

IBAN Dólares: CR26010200009309917658